Looking back at Stephen Harper's Career

In just a few short weeks Stephen Harper will no longer be the Canadian Prime Minister and Canadians will have either a NDP government or a Liberal-NDP Coalition government. If you want a Liberal-NDP coalition, you should vote Liberal. If you want a NDP majority, vote NDP.

Not sure it even matters now.

But for fun lets look back at some of the horrible things Stephen Harper has done - and some of the things worth laughing at. Overall what you realize is that Stephen Harper did a whole lot of nothing for the economy - in fact Stephen Harper was Canada's worst economic leader in 70 years.

He struggled to stay in power, he flip flopped on issues, he had a dismal economic record, he redefined government corruption, he turned the Prime Minister's Office into a dictatorship, he got himself involved in scandal after scandal and let others take the fall for it, he fired scientists whenever he disagreed with the science, he fired nuclear safety people for trying to do their jobs, he took away our freedom and our rights, he claimed one thing and then did the opposite... the list is endless and I cannot list every horrible thing Stephen Harper has done.

Suffice to say many Canadians will be cheering in the streets when he is gone.

Why the Conservative Party of Canada is Comparable to National Socialism

Conservative Party of Canada National Socialism
Leader: Stephen Harper Adolf Hitler
Symbol: Big C Big Swastika
Party History: Support of Big Oil Support of Industry
Support of the Military Support of the Military
Hates Immigrants Hates Immigrants
Very Few Non-Christians Hates Non-Christians
Suspended Parliament Twice to avoid a vote of non-confidence Suspended Parliament Once to avoid a vote of non-confidence
Hates Gays and Lesbians Hates Gays and Lesbians
Spends like a drunken Liberal Spends like a drunken Liberal
Huge Budget Deficits Huge Budget Deficits
Censors Films using Bill C-10 Censors films through Joseph Goebbels
Cuts funding to Planned Parenthood overseas Cuts all foreign funding
Outsourced torture in Afghanistan Used torture all over Europe
Very worried about appearance in the media Very worried about appearance in the media
Ignores democracy Ignores democracy
Leader has inflated opinion of himself Leader has inflated opinion of himself
Bashed Barack Obama during the 2008 election Bashed black people during 1936 Summer Olympics
Cut funding to the arts Cut funding to the arts
Very Secretive about Party Goals Very Secretive about Party Goals
Wants to suspend the Canadian Senate Suspended the German Senate
Wants to get rid of the Governor General Got rid of the Chancellor
Thinks Smaller Government is Better Thinks a VERY Small Government is Better
Corruption Galore, ie. Rahim Jaffer looting state funds Corruption Galore, ie. Hermann Göring looting state funds
And the list goes on and on... the longer they stay in power the more the Conservative Party resembles National Socialism.

Barack Obamas Wins US Presidency

Congratulations to Barack Obama, the new President of the USA!

Now if only we could get rid of Stephen Harper in Canada.

Stephen Harper Plagiarizes Speech

What kind of leader can't even write his own speeches? The kind who is so lazy he steals them. Despicable.

Here is Stephen Harper, who repeatedly accuses of Stephane Dion of being a weak leader, but Harper can't even write his own speeches. Instead his staff steals other people's speeches. Makes you wonder how many of Harper's other speeches are plagiarized and if we should be voting for Australian Prime Minister John Howard instead...

Carbon taxes originally a Conservative idea

Canada is in the midst of a new federal election and the biggest thing on the agenda is a proposed new carbon tax and income tax cut the Liberal Party is pushing for.

But here's the rub: Its not originally a Liberal idea. Its a Conservative one. Stephen Harper's Conservative Party commissioned a Conservative think tank to make a study into what ways the government could cut carbon emissions in Canada and NOT harm the economy. They spent several million dollars on the study and the conclusion was: Tax carbon omissions and there will be no detrimental effect to the Canadian economy.

But the oil industry in Alberta didn't like the report's conclusions, so they have since pressured Stephen Harper to ignore the findings and to simply do nothing about greenhouse gases.

However the Liberal Party saw the report and said "Hey, tax carbon omissions... not a bad idea. Why aren't we doing this?" And it has since become party policy and no doubt will some day pass in parliament.

So if carbon taxes was originally a Conservative idea, why not just run with it? Well the answer is simple. The Alberta oil industry is funding the new Conservative Party and they're not about to bite the hand that feeds them.

The NDP, the Green Party and the BLOC also support the carbon tax. Indeed according to a poll conducted last march 72% of Canadians support taxing greenhouse gases.

Heck, if we held a Referendum on the topic of carbon taxes (and lowering income taxes simultaneously), its pretty much guaranteed to pass.

Lets pretend for a moment that the Conservatives win a minority government, which could happen. The opposition parties could join together and vote in a referendum on the topic and then let Canadians decide what they want.

At which point Stephen Harper would be wise to flip-flop on this issue again and suddenly remember "Oh yeah, carbon taxes was originally our idea!" just so he can get the credit for it.