Why the Conservative Party of Canada is Comparable to National Socialism

Conservative Party of Canada National Socialism
Leader: Stephen Harper Adolf Hitler
Symbol: Big C Big Swastika
Party History: Support of Big Oil Support of Industry
Support of the Military Support of the Military
Hates Immigrants Hates Immigrants
Very Few Non-Christians Hates Non-Christians
Suspended Parliament Twice to avoid a vote of non-confidence Suspended Parliament Once to avoid a vote of non-confidence
Hates Gays and Lesbians Hates Gays and Lesbians
Spends like a drunken Liberal Spends like a drunken Liberal
Huge Budget Deficits Huge Budget Deficits
Censors Films using Bill C-10 Censors films through Joseph Goebbels
Cuts funding to Planned Parenthood overseas Cuts all foreign funding
Outsourced torture in Afghanistan Used torture all over Europe
Very worried about appearance in the media Very worried about appearance in the media
Ignores democracy Ignores democracy
Leader has inflated opinion of himself Leader has inflated opinion of himself
Bashed Barack Obama during the 2008 election Bashed black people during 1936 Summer Olympics
Cut funding to the arts Cut funding to the arts
Very Secretive about Party Goals Very Secretive about Party Goals
Wants to suspend the Canadian Senate Suspended the German Senate
Wants to get rid of the Governor General Got rid of the Chancellor
Thinks Smaller Government is Better Thinks a VERY Small Government is Better
Corruption Galore, ie. Rahim Jaffer looting state funds Corruption Galore, ie. Hermann Göring looting state funds
And the list goes on and on... the longer they stay in power the more the Conservative Party resembles National Socialism.